China, Denmark, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Serbia, Sweden, Taiwan

Illustrated by Virpi Talvitie
Talvitie is well-known graphic artist and illustrator and a favourite collaborator for authors of Finnish children’s books. Her style is technically demanding: she combines rough and finely-drawn lines, adding precisely etched details. The result is insightful and irresistible.



One end of the seesaw is empty. At the other end, the little bear Pi waits in vain for a friend to seesaw with. He scribbles in his notebook: “You can’t seesaw if there’s no one at the other end.” When a huge tree crashes onto the seesaw, Pi is propelled up into outer space. He grabs hold of the crescent moon and is told that the Moon and the Sun always seesaw together. Pi meets all kinds of creatures on his journey and discovers that life, too, is full of ups and downs.

Seesaw was awarded the Finlandia Junior Prize for the best Finnish children’s title of 2006.

The Merry-Go-Round

The Merry-Go-Round

The merry-go-round isn’t spinning. Time isn’t passing. Little poofies are sitting up straight on the animals’ backs, waiting for the music to start, for the spinning and the fun to begin. Kettle, the littlest poofie of all, the one who never gets to ride on the merry-go-round, sighs: “I wish time would pass more quickly. How I wish I was already big…”

A child’s time is adult hands, and little Kettle has learned that children shouldn’t waste older people’s time.

The Merry-Go-Round is a wonderful way for children and adults to spend some time together. The wisdom of its insights touches readers of all ages, and the book is a beauty to behold. Expressive, colourful illustrations bring the text to life, such as the moment when Luck gives Kettle a birthday present: a sky full of twinkling stars, and all the time in the universe.

Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

”Luck come see me. I have a surprise for you. – Kettle”. The message in the bottle sent by Kettle is touchingly brief: Kettle is both looking for happiness and hoping to make his friend happy. But will Galoot notice the bottle floating by? Will Gragle be brave enough to carry the bottle in its beak to the shore?

Does a child have the faith to pursue a dream that seems unlikely to come true?

The light of friendship illuminates Parvela’s philosophical story. Once again, the author presents important themes we all must face in life: pursuit of happiness, sorrow, loneliness, and giving and receiving.

Praise for the Works

”As a story-teller, Timo Parvela is a masterfully natural, as a wordsmith playfully clever, prolific and fun. When the story is complemented by Talvitie’s delicate, dreamlike illustrations, the result makes the reader chuckle with delight.”

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Timo Parvela
Timo Parvela is one of the most read and lauded authors of children’s books in Finland. His stories aim to entertain children and teach adults. Parvela’s characters deal with life and friendship in a loveable way – profoundly, yet without losing the lightness and joy of traditional storytelling. Read more >

Ella and Friends – Bonus Volume, Tammi 2010
How to Live with Teenagers (non fiction), Tammi 2010
Ella and Knights of the Night, Tammi 2010
Purdy and Barker Build a House. Ill. Virpi Talvitie. Tammi 2010
Wheel of Fortune, WSOY 2010
Taro in the Centre of the World, WSOY 2010
To School (with Jari Sinkkonen, non fiction), WSOY 2011
Taro and the Rulers of the Sky, WSOY 2011
Ella and the Labours of Sam Tammi 2011
Purdy, Barker and Growler the Bear, Tammi 2012
Goodnight stories. ill. Virpi Penna. WSOY 2012
Taro and the Prisoners of Time, WSOY 2012

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The Finlandia Junior Prize 2006

The Topelius Prize 2007

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