Taro on iPad to be
published in summer 2011

Timo Parvela

Timo Parvela is one of the most read and lauded authors of children’s books in Finland. His stories aim to entertain children and teach adults. Parvela’s characters deal with life and friendship in a loveable way – profoundly, yet without losing the lightness and joy of traditional storytelling.


Ella and Friends – Bonus Volume, Tammi 2010
How to Live with Teenagers, Tammi 2010
Ella and Knights of the Night, Tammi 2010
Purdy and Barker Build a House. Ill. Virpi Talvitie. Tammi 2010
Wheel of Fortune, WSOY 2010
Taro in the Centre of the World, WSOY 2010
Ella hits the Jackpot, Tammi 2009
The Mistress of Northland Louhi, Tammi 2009.
Purdy, Barker and the Giant Snowball. Ill. Virpi Talvitie. Tammi 2009
Purdy and Barker (new edition) Ill. Virpi Talvitie. Tammi 2009
Tiera. Tammi 2008
Ella and Friends -Extra, Tammi 2008
Ella’s Ef-One Adventure, Tammi 2008
Merry-Go-Round. WSOY 2008
Fireblade. The Guardians of Sampo. Tammi 2007
Ella and Seven Dunces. Tammi 2007
Purdy and Barker. Itupiikki 2007
Ella-Watch Out the Kids! Tammi 2006
Seesaw, WSOY 2006
Ella and Friends 4-7. Tammi 2006.
Ella and Friends 4-7 (audiobook). Tammi 2006.
Ella at Sea. Tammi 2005.
Ella and Friends 1–3. Tammi 2005.
Ella and Friends 1–3 (audiobook). Tammi 2005
Hilma and the Great Hobby, WSOY 2005
Ella and the Rockstar Tammi 2004.
Hilma and the Perfect Pet. WSOY 2004.
Anna and Antti 4, The Nuisance. WSOY 2003.
Ella in Lapland. Tammi 2003.
What Do you Say, Daddy? Tammi 2002
Anna and Antti – Not Allowed! WSOY 2002.
Dad Says (ill. Kristiina Louhi). Tammi 2001
Ella at Nightschool (Ill. M. Majaluoma). Tammi 2001.
Anna and Antti, The Rustling in the Night. WSOY 2001.
Ansa and Oiva in the Big City. WSOY 2000.
A Strange Tale (ill. Mika Launis). Tammi 2000.
Ella and the Bully (Ill. M. Majaluoma). Tammi 2000.
Anna and Antti’s Busy Morning, WSOY 2000
Ansa and Oiva. WSOY 1999.
Ella and Petey (Ill. M. M.). Tammi 1999.
Ella and the Quitter (Ill. M. Majaluoma). Tammi 1998.
Ella’s Field Trip (Ill. M. Majaluoma). Tammi 1997, 2. p. 1998.
My Dad is a Superman (children’s novel). Tammi 1996.
Ella goes to the Theatre (Ill. Markus Majaluoma). Tammi 1996, 2. p. 1998.
From Daddy’s Hand (Timo Parvela and Markku Ropponen). Tammi 1995.
Ella and the Blackmailer(Ill. Markus Majaluoma). Tammi 1995.
Hilma and the Penguin (picturebook). Helsinki Media, 1995.
Thin High Clouds (young people’s novel). Tammi 1994.
The Little Brothers and the Magic Key (children’s novel). Tammi 1993.
State of Fear (novel). Tammi 1992.
The Talking Dog (children’s novel). Tammi 1990.
The Boy (young people’s novel). Tammi 1989.


H.C. Andersen Honour List Diploma 1989, 1997
Nominee for the Topelius Prize 1989, 1990, 1993
Arvid Lydecken Award 1997
Nominee for The Finlandia Junior Prize 1999
The Finlandia Junior Prize 2006
The Topelius Prize 2007
WSOY Literary Foundation Reward for his Exceptional Merits as an Author 2008
Book Club Reward for his Exceptional Merits as an Author 2005
Finnish Kalevala Society’s Award 2010 (Fireblade)
Plättä Prize 2005, 2008
Koura Prize for the best TV script 2008
Kaarina Helakisa Award 2005
Honorary title “Kirjakettu” 2004
Central Finland Reward for his Exceptional Merits as an Author 1991
Newspaper “Keskisuomalainen” Reward (Talking Dog) 1990


Ella and the Friends 2010
Ella Hits the Jackpot, 2010
Fireblade 2010
Ella and the Rockstar 2010
Ella and the Rockstar Musical 2006.


Ansa and Oiva 1995-2002
”Kuutarha” (with Eppu Nuotio)
”Saimin raide” (with Eppu Nuotio)
”Kansankynttilät” (with Mari Vainio)
”Taivaan Tulet” (with Kari Väänänen)

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